Our WishList

We, here at Foundations for Future Generations, have a great vision to see our children lead healthy, self-sufficient lives. Partner with us to create a state-of-the-art facility in Newberry Springs. Here are a few of our WishList items:
- Mobile Home Trailers
- Fencing
- Means to dig the New Lake
- Pedal Boats
- Solar Paneling
- ATVs
- Potted Trees
2 Growing Domes Needed (click video)
Foundations for Future Generations is committed to training the next generation in leading healthy, sustainable, self-sufficient lives. We would like to purchase two Growing Domes to provide "living labs" as part of our future Learning Academy.
"Students harvest herbs, vegetables and medicinal plants in their specimen gardens.They experiment with solar power, seasonal cycles, techniques for organic gardening, fish production and seed saving. And perhaps more importantly, these living classrooms instill a greater sense of respect for our environment and earth amongst our future generations. In addition, as more schools focus on healhier lunches and health education, our Growing Dome greenhouses can be a central focus for fresh organic salad bars and learning about organic gardening." (~Excerpt from Growing Domes site at growingspaces.com) Consider becoming a Financial Partner today! |